Rabu, 10 September 2008

comment for Rawinala Sibling Gathering

hari ini bunda dapat email dari Parven Kaur (akrab dipanggil Jessy), seorang volunteer dari Cool2care yang sudah beberapa bulan ini beberapa kali meliput kegiatan di Rawinala. isi emailnya adalah komen-komen dari teman-teman di Cool2care yang juga membaca postingan bunda tentang Rawinala Sibling Gathering. sempat Jessy sampaikan bahwa mereka kesulitan menulis comment langsung pada postingan tersebut, sehingga komen-komen tersebut di kolek dan kemudian di kirimkan kepada bunda dan Rawinala via email. terimakasih Jessy, terimakasih cool2care atas perhatian dan semangatnya, sangat berarti buat kami dan rawinala;

Today, I’ve got an email from Parven Kaur (known as Jessy), a volunteer from Cool2Care, who come and see Rawinala’s activities for last couple months. She writes comments from some friends of Cool2Care about Rawinala Sibling Gathering that I posted before. Jessy said that it’s rather difficult to submit comment directly, so she collected the comments and sent it to me & Rawinala. Thank you Jessy, and Cool2Care for your appreciation and support. It really meant to us and rawinala;

Their Comments;

I read through the blog and my eyes got wet instantly as I was so impressed.
It is more than encouraging to know that people are making their efforts to
help the lives of disabled children easier to live on the other side
of the earth as well. I believe we are virtual partners and coworkers
altogether in this much valued project of making the world a better
place to live in for disabled children and their families.
Well done to all the staff in Rawinala.

Lauren ChinOk Park
Business Development Manager


Thank you for sending this through.
Please pass on our thanks to the organisers and the translator for taking the time to write the English translation for us to understand. Please also let them know they are doing fantastic work, which we genuinely applaud them for.

Kindest regards.
Lindsay Blackburn
Regional and Family Liaison Manager


I had a look at the blog too. It looks like it was a really great and innovative event.
A really good idea to involve the siblings. I have a colleague at my other work who's sister is disabled and she often tells me stories of her sister and her growing up together- acceptance and empathy seems to play a huge part.
It also just goes to show that whathever the country or culture the issues are the same!
Thanks for sharing this with us.

Cool2Care Human Resources Manager


Had a look at the blog and it looks like the kids had a great 'eye-opening' time.

Hopefully, they'll have more like this since this was the first event! I think the event will be the beginning of changing opinions in areas which they come from.


Dawn Dance
Regional and Family Liaison Manager

3 komentar:

Vina Revi mengatakan...

well done, Bun!

Ninis mengatakan...

Seneng ya Mbak banyak perhatian ama anak2 kebutuhan khusus.
Keep writing, Bunda AlifBaTa :)

icHaaWe mengatakan...

wah blognya balqiz sekarang ada terjemahan ke bahasa inggrisnya yah...
jd go international niy...

moga blognya berguna bagi setiap yg membaa yah bun